About Microdosing

What is Microdosing

Micro-dosing means to take a miniscule/non intoxicating dose to achieve the benefits to health. It is the administration of doses so low that they will not provide a full body effect but high enough for a cellular response and positive change.

 Dosage can vary from person to person. Here are a few ways to determine your dose as per The Third Wave(thethirdwave.co).

Microdose (0.05-0.25g):

  • Non psychoactive
  • Mood enhancement
  • Decreased stress
  • Emotional stability
  • Mindfulness, presence and peace
  • Openness and self-forgiveness
  • Increased empathy and sociability
  • Conversational fluidity
  • Alleviation of persistent conditions such as depression, anxiety, ADD/ADHD, PTSD
  • Increased motivation (e.g. to make positive lifestyle changes)
  • Increased focus/productivity
  • Increased flow states
  • Clearer, more connected thinking
  • Improved memory
  • Enhanced senses
  • Enhanced appreciation for music, art, etc.
  • Increased creativity
  • Spontaneity
  • Easier meditation
  • Increased enjoyment of physical activity and everyday tasks
  • Relaxation and increased awareness of body
  • Enhanced athletic endurance
  • Increased energy overall (without anxiety or subsequent crash)
  • Amplification of mood, positive or negative
  • Slight sedative effect

Mini-dose (0.25-0.75g):

  • Mood enhancement, mild euphoria or excitement
  • Mindfulness, presence, and peace
  • Openness and self-forgiveness
  • Introspective insights
  • Alleviation of persistent conditions such as depression, anxiety, ADD/ADHD, PTSD
  • Increased motivation (e.g. to make positive lifestyle changes)
  • Increased flow states
  • Clearer, more connected thinking
  • Enhanced senses
  • Enhanced appreciation for music, art, etc.
  • Increased creativity
  • Spontaneity
  • Easier meditation
  • Increased enjoyment of physical activity and everyday tasks
  • Relaxation and increased awareness of body
  • Increased energy in waves
  • Mild body high
  • Amplification of mood, positive or negative
  • Preference for introspection over socializing
  • Increased sensitivity to light
  • Very mild visuals, if any

Museum dose (0.5-1.5g):

  • Mood enhancement, euphoria or excitement
  • Mild to moderate visuals (e.g. “breathing” environments)
  • Increased empathy
  • Conversational fluidity
  • Introspection
  • Increased flow states
  • Enhanced senses
  • Enhanced appreciation for music, art, etc.
  • Increased creativity
  • Spontaneity
  • Increased enjoyment of physical activity and everyday tasks
  • Finding otherwise mundane things funny or interesting
  • Enhanced athletic endurance
  • Moderate body high
  • Clear come-up, peak, and come-down
  • Amplification of mood, positive or negative
  • Altered perception of sound
  • Time dilation or contraction (time passing more slowly or quickly)
  • Increased sensitivity to light
  • Pupil dilation

Moderate dose (2-3.5g):

  • Strong euphoria or excitement
  • Sense of peace
  • Mystical experience and feelings of wonder
  • Life-changing introspective or philosophical insights
  • Increased flow of ideas
  • Increased senses
  • Enhanced senses
  • Enhanced appreciation for music, art, etc.
  • Finding otherwise mundane things funny or interesting
  • Strong body high
  • Clear come-up, peak, and come-down
  • Amplification of emotions, whether good or bad
  • Open- and closed-eye visuals (e.g. patterns, auras)
  • Synesthesia
  • Time dilation or contraction (time passing more slowly or quickly)
  • Sedation
  • Unusual physical sensations
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Wide pupil dilation
  • Compulsive yawning

Mega dose (5g+):

  • Strong euphoria or excitement
  • Mystical experience and intense feelings of wonder
  • Life-changing introspective or philosophical insights
  • Ego death
  • Increased flow of ideas
  • Increased creativity
  • Enhanced senses
  • Finding otherwise mundane things funny or interesting
  • Very strong body high
  • Clear come-up, peak, and come-down
  • Amplification of emotions, whether good or bad
  • Very strong open- and closed-eye visions (e.g. memories coming to life)
  • Visual, auditory, tactile hallucinations
  • Synesthesia
  • Time becoming meaningless
  • Thought loops
  • Sedation
  • Unusual physical sensations and altered perception of physical form
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Very wide pupil dilation
  • Compulsive yawning

          How To Microdose

    There are a few proven and well used by many methods to microdosing.

    If this is your first time consuming any type of psychedelic start off with Dr. Fadiman’s approach. After experimenting if you desire more effect try the workaholic’s approach.


    Dr. Fadiman’s Approach (1 microdose every 3 days)

    Dr. Fadiman recommends taking one microdose every 3 days to prevent changes of tolerance over time. Take 1 microdose pill (Spore Wellness or Neuro Botanicals) each morning with breakfast on the indicated days below.

    Week 1: Mon/Thu/Sun

    Week 2: Wed/Sat

    Week 3: Tues/Fri

    Week 4: Mon/Thu/Sum


    Workaholic’s Approach

    This plan is geared towards individuals looking for high performance at work and creative fields. We recommend this approach to be used after having tried Dr. Fadiman’s approach. This method requires a daily microdose during the week and weekends are left open for recovery to baseline, in case of changes in effect over time. Take 1 microdose pill (Spore Wellness or Neuro Botanicals) each morning with breakfast on the indicated days below.

    Week 1: Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri

    Week 2: Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri

    Week 3: Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri

    Week 4: Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri


    Balanced Microdose Approach

    If you find that Dr. Fadiman’s approach is not providing the desired effects, try this method. Similar to Dr. Fadiman’s approach but instead of every 3 days, microdose every other day. Microdoses are taken 3-4 times per week. Take 1 microdose pill (Spore Wellness or Neuro Botanicals) each morning with breakfast on the indicated days below.

    Week 1: Mon/Wed/Fri/Sun

    Week 2: Tue/Thu/Sat

    Week 3: Mon/Wed/Fri/Sun

    Week 4: Tue/Thu/Sat

    How do I know microdosing is working?

     Since a microdose is meant to be non-psychoactive it is difficult to measure its effects without being very conscious of yourself. Some self-reflection is required to understand your improvements. You can track the effects with this ‘Check Yourself’ checklist. Most likely, you won’t be affected in all areas, but it’s important to take a comprehensive review of the effects. There are 7 areas to track:

    1. Mental: Notice the thoughts running through your mind. Are they the same as usual, or different in nature? Are you having more or fewer thoughts than usual? In general, is your mind more clear or more cluttered?
    2. Creative: Are you finding new qualities in things, like stories in objects? Do you find your mind wandering in directions it doesn’t usually? Are you getting more ideas than usual? Do solutions to problems come more easily?
    3. Emotional: Do your feelings take on any different qualities than before? Are there more or fewer feelings experienced than usual? How quickly do you process them before reaching a resolution and moving on? Is sex better, or a different quality?
    4. Social: How are you expressing your thoughts and feelings? Are there any changes in the pacing, tone, or nature of your speech? What about your facial expressions? Do you smile more or less? What frequency do you agree or disagree with someone in conversation? Do you talk differently with your coworkers, spouse, friends and family? The barista at the local coffee shop?
    5. Body: Take a look at how aware (or not aware) you are of your body. Now zoom in on the body by closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths. Slow your mind and place your full attention on any sensations in your body. Do you notice anything?
    6. Capabilities: Notice if you’re more able to complete certain tasks than usual. This might manifest as changes in attention span, physical/visual acuity, verbal fluidity, problem solving ability, empathy, different areas of awareness, and so on.
    7. Outlook: Are you more positive or negative? More optimistic or pessimistic? More or less skeptical? More fearful and guarded, or open to possibilities Feelings of oneness, universality, truth, connectedness, love, or peace are also in this area.
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